Sunday, May 2, 2010

Morning at 60 years

Morning at 60 years

I always get up at about 5.00 AM and feel often as young as was about 20 years back. Urge to walk at least 30 minutes drives me to nearby joggers park. I see large number of people of different age walking till they get exhausted or feel the time has ran out. My observation based upon the percentages or number of the people walking between 6.00 AM and 7.00 AM is that, the younger generation people are yet to make walking in morning at essential for their health. Youths having married life may find it hard to spare time for walking as waking up and making children ready for school may be one of the reasons why young married couple are rarely found in joggers park.

Most observation that I make is about the changes in the sky. That is, basence or presence of clouds in the east before sun rise. The shapes, colours, pattern and coverage of sky space of the cloudes attarcts me most. The red colour of clouds both at sun set and sun rise have special significance as if they try to convey some message. Sky with cloudes symbolizes like a speaking clouds making some gestures at humanity at large in jogger's park.

I often make the use of camera I bought recently to take snaps of clouds and also upload to my blogs to share with the web user community.

Also I prepare some clips of the airplanes which often fly over terrace of the flat I reside. These clips to are shared on my blog.

To summarize, watcing at changes in the flowers, trees, cloud formation, airplane taking off from airport etc. makes my routine of morning and evening so pleasant that I hardly find any time of being idle without any work. These obsevration also stimulate thinking so strong that urge to writ blog is obvious as if I am contributing little bit to world news daily.

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